Where will the GU tennis and golf center be built? Due east of The Academy
Earlier in May The SR published an item about Gonzaga University beginning plans to build a $6 million tennis-golf center on the east edge of the Spokane campus. The story didn't provide a good map.
This photo, from Google Maps, will help locate where the center will go. It's expected to be built by late October of this year. The listed address for the project is 1220 N. Superior. But going by a map, that address doesn't show you where it will be.
The building marked by the Red "A" flag is the privately owned Academy senior center. The open field directly to the right (east) of the Academy is the general area of the 72,000-square-feet project, according to GU officials.
That open field, trapezoidal in shape, was purchased by Gonzaga in the past few years.
Mission Park's tennis courts are visible due north of the proposed site.