The departures continue among state agency brass..
State Fish and Wildlife head Jeff Koening's resigned under pressure last night, apparently a victim of the tug-of-war between commercial fisherman and sport anglers. See The Olympian's story here.
That was followed this morning by news of the impending departure of Jone Bosworth, the head of the new state Department of Early Learning. Bosworth, appointed by Gov. Gregoire in 2006, will leave early next month.
Next up: Cheryl Stephani, the high-profile assistant secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services' Children's Administration. Stephani said today that she'll leave the agency by the end of the year. Other than taking some time off, she said she has no immediate plans.
"I am proud to have been part of Children's Administration, and although there is never a good time to leave, now seems to be the time to make a change," she said.
Update: State Sen. Pam Roach, who is probably the Legislature's sharpest critic of DSHS, has some advice for DSHS head Robin Arnold-Williams re: replacing Stephani:
"Robin...let's get it right. No more promotions from your institutions. Let's get new blood into this department. Let's get some citizen over-sight. My God...It is Christmas after all."