Democratic response…
Democrats, not surprisingly, were underwhelmed.
In a statement sent out to reporters minutes after Rossi's streaming-video "Real State of the State" speech, state Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz called it an:
"online gimmick which offered zero substance or even variation from his tired stump speech (and) is just the latest in his relentlessly negative, no-new-ideas campaign for governor."
Pelz defended Gregoire -- 200,000 new jobs on her watch, more kids on health coverage, being a leader on combatting global warming.
Pelz also describes Rossi, a former state senator, as "an Olympia insider" and says he's "a Republican in the mold of George W. Bush."
"Republican Dino Rossi also failed to mention his radical social agenda -- which includes eliminating a woman's right to choose, discrimination against gay people, parroting George W. Bush's opposition to stem cell research, and teaching biblical creationism in our state's public schools."