Fees going up for students, most businesses, and yes, Christmas tree growers…
From my weekly print column...
The state budget, slated to be signed into law early next week, includes no new state tax increases. Lawmakers were unable to get a two-thirds vote, even a for a 25-cent increase on your phone bill to pay for better emergency-call-handling.
Fees, however, are a different thing. State law doesn’t require a two-thirds vote for those. And up they went.
Lawmakers approved increases in 48 different fees, totaling $87 million this year and $186 million next year.
Who will pay more? Lots of people. Electricians and plumbers will pay more for their licenses, as will doctors, dentists and Christmas-tree growers. So will most businesses, nurseries, Realtors, funeral homes and architects.
The vast majority of the increases, however, involve higher education. These include tens of millions of dollars in higher tuition, operating fees and a long list of other college-related charges: student and activities fees, a building fee, and lab and class fees.
The Seattle Times has posted a list of the fee increases in the budget this year. Click here.