SALMON FISHING -- The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will close the Chinook salmon season across Idaho on the evening of Wednesday Aug. 10 at the end of fishing hours. The closure affects waters of the Mainstem Clearwater River, the Middle Fork Clearwater River,…
SKYWATCHING -- The Landers family has a long history of planning camps in high, dark places for the annual Perseid meteor showers. The summer light show peaks around Aug. 12-13, but the best viewing tends to be right now. The full moon will come on…
SALMON FISHING -- Although Idaho steelheaders are likely to feel the pull of a few chinook salmon this month, the season won't open open until Sept. 1 on the Snake River from the Washington-Idaho border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam and in the Clearwater River…
FISHING -- A product of cross-breeding turned out to be a big deal for a Pocatello angler. The record-breaking trout Mark Adams caught on July 25 in American Falls Reservoir turns out to be a rainbow-cutthroat hybrid, Idaho Fish and Game Department officials just announced.…
HIKING -- The Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness will continue their summer group hiking series this weekend by inviting the public to sign up and join naturalist, author and teacher Jack Nisbet on a rugged 7-mile round trip trek to the summit of Scotchman…
WILDLIFE -- Learn the global importance of bats and the differences of the 15 species found in Washington during a free presentation by Washingotn Fish and Wildlfie Department wildlife biologist Ella Rowan, Tuesday (Aug. 2), 7 p.m., at the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council auditorium, 6116…
PUBLIC LANDS – A new study shows recreation and the industry that supports outdoors activities is outpacing traditional uses such as grazing and mining on land managed by the Bureau of Land management in Idaho. The results are from a study on the U.S. Department…
WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY -- This whitetail buck should inspire some anticipation for September. The photo was made last week by Lincoln, Mont., photographer Jaime Johnson, who makes more great outdoor photos in a week than most wannabe outdoor photogs make in a year. "This is one…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.