Who will pay tab for managing wolves?
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead has budgeted more than $800,000 to manage wolves in the state during the next two years.
That's less than half of what Idaho and Montana are spending with federal support that's likely to evaporate in the next couple of years.
The $808,099 he recommended to the Legislature includes $608,099 for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to manage wolves in the state’s trophy game area in the northwest corner of the state, according to the Jackson Hole News & Guide. Another $200,000 would go to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture to kill wolves involved in livestock depredations in about 85 percent of the state where they are classified as predators.
The wolf management money would come from the Wyoming's general fund. Typically, money for Wyoming Game and Fish comes from hunter revenues.
Here in Washington, it's not clear where the money for managing wolves under the recently approved Wolf Conservation and Management Plan will be generated.
And there's only about $25,000 set aside for compensating ranchers for livestock losses at this time.