PREDATORS -- Last week, Idaho Fish and Game officials announced they will be using aerial gunning from helicopters to help reduce the number of wolves along the Idaho -Montana border in an effort to give a hurting elk herd some breathing room to recover. The…
WILDLIFE -- The Washington Fish and Wildlife Department is getting ready to tee off on elk that have been tearing up the TPC Snoqualmie Ridge golf course, about 30 miles east of Seattle. Some people are upset by the "damage hunt," which will involve a…
MARINE MAMMALS -- A record six blue whales, the largest animals on Earth, have been documented cruising off the Washington coast -- only the third sighting of the huge species in Washington waters in 50 years. Read the Seattle Times story about the whale researcher…
FISHERIES -- This fall’s bull trout spawning was 78 percent of the 10-year average in streams feeding Montana’s Kootenai River below Libby Dam, and 70 percent of the 10-year average in streams feeding Lake Koocanusa north of the dam. A decline in redd counts in…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.