Group tours offered at Spokane Fish Hatchery

FISHERIES -- This is a good time of year to see how trout are produced in Spokane for the updoming fishing season:
It's before the fair-weather rush of school groups and prime time to see fish in all stages, including the egg stage.
The Spokane Fish Hatchery is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week year-round for self-guided observation of fish and fish-rearing activity.
While Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hatchery workers do not have time to show visitors around, trained volunteers can be scheduled to give guided tours for groups of 15 or more.
- To schedule a tour, call (509) 892-1001.
- To volunteer to be trained to help with tours or to donate to the hatchery tour program, contact Mike Coyle, (509) 220-3004.