WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The annual Great Backyard Bird Count begins tomorrow across North America -- and in your own neighborhood, if you choose. Volunteers do a census on the birds in their yard or neighborhood and record the data online to create a huge database…
OUTDOOR IMAGES -- Linda Lantzy, an outdoor photographer who sports a classy "Best of Idaho" scenic images Facebook page includes some shots she couldn't resist from Washington's North Cascades, according to our Huckleberries blogger, Dave Oliveria. You can see her other favorites here.
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- During a local birding foray Wednesday, Spokane Auduboner Kim Thorburn reported hearing a canyon wren sing at Deep Creek in Riverside State Park. “The winter and Bewick's wrens have already been at it for a week or two,” she said. “I also…
HUNTING -- Chronic wasting disease isn't getting the press it received a decade ago as the malady was being documented in deer and elk in several states and provinces. However, while stepped up testing programs from coast to coast are affirming that most areas remain…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Skagit Valley Herald photographer Scott Terrell saw something stand out among thousands of white snow geese grazing in a field of winter wheat as he drove along Fir Island Road in northwestern Washington Tuesday. It was his first sighting of a black…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.