TRAILS -- For the first time in its 33 year history, the Methow Valley Sport Trails Association is hiring a new executive director to lead a group that's developed one of the nation's top cross-country and cycling trail systems and associated events and programs. The…
SALMON FISHING -- The Idaho Fish and Game Commission today increased the bag limits on adult chinook salmon in the Clearwater River drainage to two per day and six in possession. The commissioners also set a limited jacks-only season on another section of the upper…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Tim O'Brien of Cheney devoted this morning to a hiking and driving birding forayMount Spokane. While we all enjoy seeing and hearing birds when we head to the state park, it's fascinating to see the detail and diversity trained eyes and ears…
STATE PARKS -- Preliminary plans to thin some forest areas in Riverside State Park to reduce fire danger and the spread of bark beetle infestations will be presented at a public meeting tonight, 6 p.m., at the Shadle Park Public Library. Park officials say the…
KID FISHING -- The Umatilla National Forest and Asotin County Sportsmen's Association are celebrating National Fishing Week with two kid fishing derbies on the Washington side of th Blue Mountains next weekend. No fishing license will be needed, but children participating in these events will…
INVASIVE SPECIES -- Mike Wilkinson, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Department’s aquatic invasive species biologist, will give a free program focusing on the threat of zebra mussels invading the region’s waters on Tuesday, 7 p.m., at the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council office, 6116 N. Market…
FISHING -- Saturday is Free Fishing Day in Idaho and Washington will double the pleasure by dropping the general fishing license requirement for both Saturday and Sunday. While fishing license requirements will be suspended, all other rules, such as limits or tackle restrictions, remain in…
FISHING -- Here are some of the best bests for catching panfish -- perch, crapppie, bluegills -- in the Idaho Panhandle, according to Jim Fredericks, Idaho Fish and Game Department regional fisheries manager. "We have a lot of great lakes for crappies, bluegill, and perch.…
NATIONAL FORESTS -- An environmental group is vowing to sue the Nez Perce National Forest over allegations the agency is allowing undertreated sewage to be discharged into the Selway River and South Fork of the Red River. Moscow-based Friends of the Clearwater sent letters to…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.