WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- Friday will be another furlough day for many Washington state employees. Washington Fish and Wildlife Department employees and offices are included, except that fish and wildlife police officers and other enforcement officers statewide are exempt. Friday is the last of 10 unpaid…
WILDERNESS -- The Bureau of Land Management is taking public comment through June 29 on its Wilderness and Wild & Scenic River Management Plan being developed for the six wilderness areas and 16 wild and scenic river segments designated in Idaho's Owyhee County by the…
HIKING -- The annual summer series of group hikes organized by the Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness will is giving participants something to focus on besides exploring potential wilderness areas in the Cabinet Mountains northeast of Lake Pend Oreille. Each volunteer-led hike has its…
PREDATORS -- Stevens County officials have ranted about wolves and endorsed a coyote hunting contest, but free-running dogs are making the headlines for destruction to livestock and pets. According to the Association Press, after the latest attack by a pack of wild dogs killed a…
OCEAN FISHING -- The Washington Fish and Wildlife Department has announced it will reopen the recreational halibut fishery in Marine Areas 3 and 4 (Neah Bay and La Push) to recreational halibut fishing for one day on June 16.
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Grand Teton National Park’s most famous grizzly bear — dubbed 399 by researchers — is once again roaming the roadsides around Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park, and again with three new cubs at her heels. The Jackson Hole News reports…
KAYAKING -- An informal group of kayakers once again plans to share playboating fun and know-how in a HydroTherapy session, tonight starting about 5:30 p.m. at Dead Dog (below the bridge construction site on the Stateline). HydroTherapy sessions are free, grassroots, learning events for kayakers…
PUBLIC LANDS -- As the snow slowly recedes in the mountains, forest managers are discovering more and more roads damaged by the big snowpack and runoff. Idaho Panhandle National Forest officials say many roads that are open have soft shoulders that can be dangerous to…
CREEPY CRITTERS -- With a local girl being diagnosied with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, it's worthwhile for outdoors enthusiasts to reup our precautions against tick bites. Following is my Thursday column on ticks and precautions against tick bites. However, the following blog version includes numerous…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.