Biological weed control workshop offered
WILD LANDS -- A workshop on controlling weeds on private lands with biological agents is set for June 23 at Mirabeau Park in Spokane Valley offered Spokane County-WSU Extension.
Cost is $20. Preregistration required.
Read on for details.
This workshop will focus on some of the more common invasive noxious weeds in our area. Spotted and diffuse knapweeds and Dalmatian toadflax flourish in the Inland Northwest. The use of chemical controls on these plants can be problematic when one considers: the environmental impact, restricted use in riparian zones, proper timing, length of time of effective control, and the expenses associated with the chemical itself, as well as, the cost of application.
The use of biological control agents may be your solution. Biological control is the use of host specific beneficial organisms to control invasive noxious weeds. These agents work 24/7 and 365 days a year for a one-time expense associated with the release of these agents provided they establish themselves.
The goals of the workshop are:
- To be able to identify Dalmatian toadflax and spotted and diffuse knapweeds and understand their life cycles.
- To observe biocontrol agents at work and the effect they have on the host plant.
- How to obtain these biocontrol agents. IF THEY ARE RIGHT FOR YOU!
DATE: Thursday, June 23, 2011
TIME: 6-8:30 pm possibly later if the bugs are out
PLACE: Mirabeau Point Park– Meet in the parking lot of CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216
SPECIAL NOTES: we will be walking in fields with rough ground, shrubs and weeds. Please wear appropriate shoes and bring mosquito spray.
TO REGISTER:Cost $20Name__________________________________ Address_________________________Phone___________________ Email___________________Number of people _________ Number of acres you manage ___________SEND REGISTRATION AND CHECKS made out to WSU Spokane County Extension to:WSU Spokane County Extension222. N HavanaSpokane WA 99202Info: Pat Munts 477 2173 or email