Hikers find great trails in Washington’s beleaguered State Parks
HIKING -- Late winter hikers don't have to look any farther than the Washington State Parks system to find excellent year-round trails.
This week, with the state legislature looking for ways to keep the park gates open through the state budget crisis, the Washington Trails Association wrote a story about 11 great state park hikes across the state, ranging from North Cascades old-growth forests to the Columbia Plateau scablands.
Note that this story is just a sampling: It doesn't even mention the excellent trails in Spokane County's Riverside State Park or Palouse Falls State Park.
And it doesn't cover the winter snowshoeing and summer hiking trails at Mount Spokane State Park.
A lot is at stake as Washington wrestles with it's budget woes.
Don't hesitate to check that box and donate to state parks when you renew your vehicle license tabs.