Methow Valley Sports Gear Swap on Nov. 5
OUTDOOR GEAR – The annual Sports Swap organized by the Methow Valley Sport Trails Association is set for Saturday at the Red Barn in Winthrop.
Here's a tip: Some great gear from bicycles to nordic skis and all the accessories changes hand at cheap prices during this event.
Read on for details:
Clean out the closets and stop storing all that gear! The doors will be open Friday evening 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. and again Saturday morning from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. for sellers to tag items. Those with more than 5 items to sell are encouraged to bring items Friday evening.
Saturday morning the Barn will close at 9:45 a.m. and re-open for sales at 10:00 a.m. Buyers arrive early and bring your appetite, because the good stuff is usually gone by noon and Friends of the Library will host a Bake Sale all morning! Several other vendors will be offering ski gear, sweaters, bicycles, and summer recreation items at great prices.Admission is free with your MVSTA ski pass, $1 for adults, and children under 14 free
While at the Sports Swap, individuals may also purchase discounted, early season MVSTA passes, Ice Rink season passes, and Loup Loup season passes.
20% of the proceeds from the sale benefit The Methow Valley Sport Trails Association. MVSTA is a non-profit dedicated to developing and promoting environmentally sound recreation on or near the trails in the Methow Valley.The trail system includes over 120 miles of cross country ski trails in the winter months, and is recognized as one of the finest trail systems in North America for nordic skiing, mountain biking and hiking,
Info: 509-996-3287 or email