Wolverine study training volunteers in Sandpoint
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- Volunteers with skills to travel deep into the backcountry on skis or snowshoes are being trained for monitoring bait stations involved in an Idaho-Montana wolverine research project.
Wolverines are a backcountry-loving secretive member of the weasel family protected by the Endangered Species Act.
A "Bait Station Leader" training course will be held Saturday, (Dec. 3) from noon to 5 p.m. at the Sandpoint Ranger District offices at 1602 Ontario. (Another is planned for Jan. 14.) The program:
- Idaho Fish and Game Department biologists Michael Lucid and Lacy Robinson will hold a session on bait station construction and maintenance.
- Kevin Davis of the Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center will give an avalanche training.
- Hang out with mustelid and winter tracking expert Brian Baxter in the classroom and then in the woods and learn more about who you are sharing the forest with.
- A talk winter travel basics also will be presented.
Interested? RSVP by Thursday to mustelids@scotchmanpeaks.org to take the Bait Station Leader training.
If you are interested in helping with this project, but would rather not be a Bait Station Leader, please respond to info@scotchmanpeaks.org
The Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness group is giving the wolverine research a big boost by helping to secure funding as well as providing manpower.
Click here for more information on wolverine research.