OUTDOOR TRAVEL -- While dams operated by the Corps of Engineers generally are off-limits to vehicle crossings since the 9/11 attacks, Lower Granite Dam over the Snake River is scheduled to be opened for vehicle traffic Monday as a special Columbus Day treat. Read on…
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- Two groups put the pressure on the Washington Fish and Wildlife Department this week by filing a petition urging the state to strip endangered species protections from gray wolves in the eastern one-third of the state. The petition was filed with the…
TRAILS/ENVIRONMENT -- The Friends of the High Drive Bluff on Spokane's South Hill are coordinating a tree pruning clinic 1 p.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday (Oct. 9) to help generate more helpers to reduce fire danger on the bluffs and improve thee quality of the bluff…
BIRD HUNTING -- I've been hiking a lot of miles of trails the past few months and I've clearly seen the progression of dusky grouse into higher elevations. Males tend to be at higher elevations earlier in the year, while the hens with their broods…
BIRD HUNTING -- Looking for a bird-hunting adventure destination this season? Nevada is putting out the word that it has record-high numbers of chukars in some -- not all -- portions of the state for a season that runs through Feb. 5. Read on for…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- One of the best wildlife viewing stages anywhere in September and early October is the cottonwood bottom along the elk viewing area in the C.M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge60 miles north of Lewistown, Mont., (my hometown). Even though the elk are in…
SKYWATCHING -- Let's say this photo illustrates a highlight of my recent visit to the C.M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge north of my hometown -- Lewistown, Mont: After hunting and wildlife viewing, I sat in the grass until after midnight one night last week snapping…
SKIING -- Start taking inventory on what you need to acquire and swap for the ski season: The 47th annual Mt. Spokane Ski Patrol Ski SWAP is set for Oct. 28-30. The swap is set to expand into another bay at the Spokane Fair and…
WILDLIFE ENFORCEMENT -- There's nothing lucrative about the life of a Montana game warden, and that's only part of the reason there are job openings. In the past five years, 24 game wardens in Montana -- about a third of the force -- have left…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.