WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Carrie Hugo, U.S. Bureau of Land Management wildlife biologist, counted 34 bald eagles today in the Wolf Lodge Bay area of Lake Coeur d'Alene. That's up from 18 eagles counted last week during her weekly survey. Two weeks ago she counted only…
PARKS -- Get the family into the spirit of the season this weekend during the third annual Winter Wonderland celebration in Riverside State Park. The Bowl and Pitcher area will be buzzing with a visit from Santa Claus and hay rides. Enjoy a holiday stroll…
ADVENTURE – Alaska wilderness endurance traveler and adventure filmmaker Luc Mehl will present a program featuring some of his mind- blowing expeditions, 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 15, at Mountain Gear Corporate Office, 6021 E. Mansfield in Spokane Valley. Mehl has traveled more than 4,000...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The dust has settled from the rut. Whitetail bucks are licking their wounds and trying to recover their strength after the rigors of avoiding hunters while displaying dominance and winning the chance to mate. But it's a tough life, even for the…
PUBLIC LANDS -- Aside from probably being unconstitutional, and certainly being stupid and greedy, Idaho's effort to take over federal lands within the state's borders also would probably be unaffordable. Of course, unless the state sold off the lands to corporations. Here's the report posted…
PUBLIC LANDS -- While some groups are pleased with compromises that have prompted Congress to finally take some action on wilderness bills and other public lands initiatives, some groups say the deals went too far. Groups ask senators to pull public lands package from defense…
WINTERSPORTS -- Don't miss this chance to be prepared for the winter backcountry travel season. At last check, there were at least 15 spots available for tonight's FREE Avalanche Awareness workshop at the Spokane REI Store, 1125 N Monroe St. Sign-up here. The American Institute…
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- The final revised draft of Washington's 2015-2021Game Management Plan is scheduled for a vote on Thursday in a public involvement process that started in June. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will present 325-pages of documents for approval on the first…
OUTDOOR LIVING -- Former Ferris High school science teacher, survival instructor, naturalist and artist Hazen Audel is spotlighting the skills of indigenous people in remote niches of the world for the National Geographic Channel TV series, Survive the Tribe. My Sunday Outdoors story describes how…
Updated12:10 p.m. on Dec. 9 with clarification about when sheep are being moved and quotes from sheep farmer involved. PREDATORS --The first sheep kill attributed to a wolf in Whitman County is being investigated by Washington wildlife officials. One ewe in a flock of about…
POACHING -- Poachers bagged after an investigation in the Idaho Falls region has resulted in a huge package of punishments. What started out as a deer spotlighting case eventually resulted in exposing a poaching spree that lasted for three months and was responsible for the…
OUTDOORS -- The U.S. Forest Service is employing a new centralized hiring process for temporary or seasonal jobs in national forests throughout Oregon and Washington. The new phased process started last week. The deadline to get applications turned in is shorter than in the past.…
HUNTING -- That's the question of the day after a bowhunter legally tags a buck in Missouri that was more than just a white-tail. The all-white whitetail was something of a celebrity in Cape Girardeau. Some locals felt a connection with it and would notice…
PUBLIC LANDS -- Congress shook its inability to work across the aisle this week and passed public lands legislation that's been years in the making. The U.S. House on Thursday passed a defense spending bill containing a broad public lands package for the West. In…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Now that the bald eagles are starting to show for their annual kokanee feast at Lake Coeur d'Alene, photographers are making plans to capture big-bird images through their cameras. S-R Outdoors is making it easy for you to share your photographic gems…
HIKING -- Industry insiders are wondering whether the soon-to-be-released movie "Wild" featuring Reese Witherspoon will provide the boost for backpacking that A River Runs Through It, featuring Brad Pitt, bestowed on fly fishing. The buzz is already buzzing. “The movie follows the book by Cheryl…
PREDATORS -- Livestock growers are likely to disagree, to put it politely, with the findings of a wolf study just released by Washington State University. But here's the scoop: It is counter-productive to kill wolves to keep them from preying on livestock, according to the…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Bald eagles are finally showing some interest in their traditional winter feast of spawning kokanee at Lake Coeur d'Alene. Carrie Hugo, U.S. Bureau of Land Management wildlife biologist, counted 18 bald eagles today in the Wolf Lodge Bay area. That's up from…
PUBLIC LANDS — Oregon state parks are ending their annual winter discounts on camping fees. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department says the across-the-board discounts will be replaced by targeted deals starting next year. The 20-year-old “discovery season” program reduced tent and recreational vehicle campsite…
OUTDOOR PEOPLE — Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation and several other co-sponsoring conservation and historical organizations will announce the first round of inductees into the newly formed Montana Outdoor Hall of Fame on Saturday. The first batch of 12 inductees includes people still alive and some…
WETLANDS CONSERVATION -- A bill that would increase the price of a federal Duck Stamp is headed for President Obama's desk -- to the applause of organized sportsmen and conservation groups. A bipartisan bill that would raise the price of a Duck Stamp from $15…
WINTERSPORTS -- The snow that had accumulated on Mount Spokane's cross-country ski park last week was rendered to a few inches of ice and hardpack by the rains that followed. Be patient. But as we reported yesterday, the Methow Trails are groomed and open for…
HUNTING -- A hunter from Washington who shot two bighorn sheep on Craig Mountain in Idaho will not be charged. An Investigation by Idaho Fish and Game determined the shooting was a freak accident. Authorities issued a written warning to the hunter, Kevin Klumper of…
FISHING -- The fishing scene is roughly beginning to resemble the good-ol' days on the Snake-Salmon river systems of Idaho. You've read about the spring and fall chinook plus the coho comeback this year. Here's the latest good news on sockeye recovery. By KEITH RIDLER/Associated…
WINTERSPORTS -- A free snowmobile-centered Avalanche Safety Course is being offered by on Dec. 10, from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. at Liberty Lake, Wash. Pre-registration required. Contact Blair Geiger, email Blair.Geiger@idpr.idaho.gov or call (208) 769-1511 Approximately half of all avalanche fatalities are snowmobile related, says Idaho…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.