FISHING -- Trout Derby reset by Roosevelt levels OUTFISH – The annual Two Rivers Spring Trout Derby at Lake Roosevelt has been postponed because of this year’s deep drawdown of Lake Roosevelt, said organizer Dan Kieffer. The event, originally set for next weekend, April 26-27,…
DOGS -- It's not hunting season and there are no tennis balls around so... Teri Pieper of Twisp has an endless source of entertainment in this Lab. Next: The entire tree!
WILDLIFE – The Inland Northwest Wildlife Council will be distributing pheasant chicks to people who have facilities to raise 25 or more birds for around six weeks before releasing them into the wild. The council provides the day-old birds in lots of 25 and charges…
UPDATED 3:18 p.m. to properly attribute Taylor quote. PUBLIC LANDS -- Washington State Rep. Matt Shea has ridden out of his Spokane Valley district on his white horse to save us from the overpowering federal government as he stands in lock-step with a Nevada rancher…
FISHING -- Anglers will have one more day - Saturday (April 19) - to fish for spring chinook salmon on the lower Columbia River prior to an updated assessment of the run size. The chinook fishery will be open to boat and bank fishing from…
FISHING -- Sean Visintainer of Silver Bow Fly Shop in Spokane Valley has produced a series of informational fly fishing videos that take the mystery out of rigging up and presenting flies to trout in the pre-runoff shoulder season. This one's titled: Fly Fishing NF…
CLIMBING -- More than 50 students and instructors followed the steps of tradition to the top of Stevens Peak last weekend during the annual Spokane Mountaineers Mountain School overnight snow practice near Lookout Pass. The on-snow practice gave them a chance to learn some of…
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- A state board is considering endangered species status for the gray wolf endangered species status, giving it a chance at returning to California in significant numbers after a decades-long hiatus. Just one wolf from Oregon has been tracked in recent years crossing…
HUNTING -- Here's an interesting twist to the turmoil about predators and their impact on Montana elk populations. Even though research has indicated that mountain lions kill way more elk than suspected in the Bitterroot Mountains -- way more than wolves -- there's opposition to…
FISHING – More than 1,000 fishing rods have been rigged up by volunteer sportsmen to hand out to about 950 kids ages 5-14 in the annual Kids Fishing event at Clear Lake on May 3. Kids are scheduled for half-hour slots between 8 a.m. and…
FISHING -- Sean Visintainer of Silver Bow Fly Shop in Spokane Valley has produced a series of informational fly fishing videos that take the mystery out of rigging up and presenting flies to trout in the pre-runoff shoulder season. This one's titled: Pre-Runoff Fly Fishing…
PUBLIC LANDS -- A Nevada rancher who owes the federal government more than $1 million in fees for illegally grazing cattle on U.S. Bureau of Land Management has won a temporary reprieve by summoning a protest by his right-winger brethren, some of which were armed…
PUBLIC LANDS -- The gate has been opened temporarily at Escure Ranch to allow motor vehicles to drive the road less than three miles into Towell Falls, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's Spokane office has announced. The 14,000-acre BLM Rock Creek Recreation Area site…
BOATING -- The Mica Bay Boater Park on Lake Coeur d'Alene has been closed temporarily until hazardous trees can be removed, according to the Bureau of Land Management Coeur d’Alene Field Office. Closure of the popular lake access site will continue while operators work…
FISHING -- National parks in the Western United States and Alaska are some of the most pristine landscapes and waters on the planet, yet results of a four year study indicate that mercury contamination affects fish even in these protected areas. It's important to note…
BACKPACKING -- This has been a perfect week to backpack the Wenaha River trail into the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness. Here's what Paul Knowles, Spokane County Parks planner, had to say after returning from a weekend trek into the area Went down to the Wenaha this weekend.…
NATURE -- The University of Idaho is offering summer science camps that allow youths grades 6 through 11 to go outdoors for hands-on discovery. Enrollment is open for students interested in spending a week The McCall Outdoor Science School on the shores of Payette Lake…
SKYWATCHING -- In case the clouds -- or the need for sleep -- obstructed your view of last night's lunar eclipse, here's the scene as seen in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.
HUNTING/FISHING -- Local members of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers are inviting interested sportsmen to tip a cold one with them starting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, at the Post Street Ale House, 1 N. Post St. "This is an informal gathering and a…
FISHING - Put on an extra layer of fleece and get ready to fly fish the pre-runoff period on area rivers -- as well as the post-runoff period before prime flows return. How do you fish these "shoulder" seasons? FISHING -- Sean Visintainer of Silver…
FISHING -- A popular stretch of the Little Salmon River at Riggins, Idaho, will be accessible for the spring salmon season thanks to an agreement forged by Fish and Game staff and the local landowner. The only “catch” is, salmon anglers have to be on…
FISHING -- There's more room for anglers to roam on Lake Rufus Woods starting today, according to the following release from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. An area downstream of Grand Coulee Dam closed after the 9/11 attacks has been reopened. Action: Open…
FISHING -- More fish will be stocked in northeastern Washington lakes this spring, a benefit of the relicensing agreement for Boundary Dam. A new, long-term recreational fishing program that will increase fish numbers stocked in Pend Oreille and Stevens counties lakes kicks off this month,…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Spring and fall are the best times to find rattlesnakes congregated by a den, if you happen to stumble upon one. Montana resident Michael Delaney took this video -- clearly he was wearing leather boots and chaps -- and offered this insight:…
FISHING – As construction workers race against the biological clocks of salmon to make fish ladders at Wanapum Dam operational, state fishery managers say they are standing ready with an alternate plan to truck spring chinook up the Columbia River. Shortly after discovering a 65-foot-long…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.