Comments sought on Snake River chinook proposals
A harvest allocation of 904 adipose-fin-clipped hatchery adult chinook has been established for the Snake River, prior to the in-season run update. An additional 405 hatchery fish could be available for harvest by mid-May if the run comes in at the pre-season prediction level.
As currently proposed, fishing in three or four portions of the Snake River would begin as early as April 24 but no later than May 1, in alternate days of the week. Four areas are proposed for fisheries:
(A) below Ice Harbor Dam (IHR);
(B) below Little Goose Dam (LGO);
(C) below Lower Granite Dam (LGR);
(D) Clarkston area (Clark). (The Clarkston area has been open the past four years and angling effort and catch there has been modest.)
See descriptions of these four locations and additional background information on the season setting process.
WDFW is requesting public response to three questions:
- Should the daily catch limit (in addition to four or five jacks per day) be one or two adult hatchery-marked chinook salmon (knowing that a two adult limit may reduce season duration)?
- Should the Clarkston area (Clark), as described in the Snake River locations, be open along with the other described river sections?
Should the days of the week for fishing be alternated by zone as described in the chart at right, with green denoting open fishing days? (Note: During the 2013 season, Ice Harbor Dam (IHR) was open Friday/Saturday.)
Email answers to these questions and comments to with a subject line of “Spring Chinook Snake River,” by 5 p.m. April 11.