Spokane Bike Swap offers prizes, helmets for kids

BICYCLING -- The Spokane Bike Swap isn't just the region's best place to buy or sell a bicycle.
The April 12-13 event at Spokane County Fair and Expo center also offers free helmets to kids who get bike,free prizes to the fist 2,500 people through the door, and more.
- Bike Consignment Check-In: Friday, April 11, 3-8 p.m.
- Donate, sell, shop on April 12-13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
From kids bikes and road bikes to tandems and tri-bikes, great deals await and more than 600 used bikes are expected in the Bike Corral.
Bikes for sale can be registered early online. Details: www.SpokaneBikeSwap.com.
Kids bikes are in special demand. Registration fees will be waived on kid’s bikes with 20” rims or smaller and priced $50 or less.
The event benefits the non-profit Friends of the Centennial Trail.
In addition to bikes, the event will include more than 50 exhibitors and 10 local bike shops.