WILDLIFE WATCHING --The Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge has been marking its 75th anniversary with public events this summer. Next on the schedule: July 12: Butterfly Count, starts 9:30 a.m. at refuge headquarters; great for the family. Bring lunch. Info: (509) 684-8384, fws.gov/littlependoreille Directions…
FISHING -- Salmon appear to be migrating up the Columbia River unimpeded by hastily engineered fish ladder extensions prompted by the drawdown and repairs to fix a crack in Wanapum Dam. However, fish biologists are still concerned whether good fish passage will continue as the…
WILDLIFE -- A report on how to keep domestic dogs from being caught in traps set for wolves will be presented among other agenda items during the Idaho Fish and Game Commission meeting Wednesday and Thursday, July 9 -10, at the Salmon Region Office, 99…
TRAILS -- The U.S. Forest Service is seeking volunteers to serve on the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Advisory Council to help plan future upgrades -- much work and many decisions will have to be made -- for the 1,200-mile route from the Olympic Peninsula…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.