Wind River springer fishing seasons set to start
FISHING -- The fish are still on their way, but the Washington is announcing spring chinook and steelhead seasons on the Wind River, a popular Columbia River tributary. Here are details from the Department of Fish and Wildlife:
Action: The daily catch limit will be 2 chinook or 2 hatchery steelhead or one of each at various times and locations on the Wind River.
- Wind River from the mouth (boundary line markers) upstream to the
Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge: Open March 16 through July 31.
Anglers with a two-pole endorsement may fish with two poles for salmon
and steelhead May 1 through June 30.
- Wind River from Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge upstream to 400 feet
below Shipherd Falls: Open April 1 through July 31;
- Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to 800 yards downstream of
Carson National Fish Hatchery (except closed waters from 400 feet below to
100 feet above coffer dam): Open May 1 through June 30.
Species affected: Chinook and steelhead
Other information: Release wild chinook downstream from Shipherd Falls. Release all trout other than hatchery steelhead. Minimum size 12 inches for salmon and 20 inches for steelhead.
When fishing for sturgeon or other species, only one pole per angler may be used.
The area from the railroad bridge upstream to Shipherd Falls will be closed to all fishing from March 16-31 to protect wild steelhead when salmon abundance is low.
Reason for action: The 2014 Wind River spring chinook returns are expected to be slightly higher than the recent 5 year average and more than twice last year’s actual return. Surplus hatchery origin fish are available for harvest.