River changes could spur Clearwater steelheading
FISHING -- Clarkston-based fishing guide Toby Wyatt has this professional insight on what steelhead anglers might expect, possibly as soon as this weekend:
Despite a very strong run of B run Steelhead due to low burn stained ( runoff from fire's) water the Clearwater has been mediocre, mostly single digit days. Recent rains have brought cubic foot per second to over 10,000 - 3000 to 5000 is normal the river is chocolate milk the burn stain is gone.What happens next the fish swim into the river in MASS I am not just saying this to book trips it can and most likely will happen for instance the last time we had this same scenario when the river cleared I had a career day 47 fish landed.2 fish limit no size restrictionsStop Wishing go fishing