Glimmer of hope for chinook action found at Hanford Reach
FISHING -- Salmon action has been slow in the Columbia River upstream from McNary Dam, but it's early in the run, as the chart above indicates.
Here's a report about what you haven't been missing recently from Paul Hoffarth, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist in the Tri Cities.
This past week WDFW staff interviewed anglers from 92 boats (187 anglers) in the Hanford Reach (Hwy 395 to Priest Rapids Dam). Anglers harvested 12 adult chinook, 3 chinook jacks, and 1 sockeye. Daily boat counts ranged from 32 to 83 boats with the majority of the effort focused at the Yakima River delta (Bateman Island). Boats averaged 0.2 chinook per boat. Staff also interviewed 29 bank anglers at the Ringold Springs access area. Only 1 jack chinook was harvested at Ringold this past week. There were an estimated 812 angler trips for salmon this past week in the Hanford Reach. Harvest was estimated at 43 adult chinook and 16 chinook jacks.
Very few anglers have been fishing for salmon and steelhead in the area from McNary Dam upstream to the Walla Walla River this August. This past week WDFW staff interviewed 4 boats (7 anglers) and 5 bank anglers fishing for steelhead/salmon. One hatchery steelhead and two chinook jacks were caught and released. There have been an estimated 173 angler trips for steelhead/salmon in the McNary area through August 28.