WILDLIFE -- The Colville Tribe has released 52 pronghorns on the reservation -- a wildlife re-introduction that would be much more difficult and expensive for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The tribe obtained the pronghorns from a January roundup in Nevada and released...
HUNTING -- As the Idaho Fish and Game Commission considers offering five additional big-game auction tags to raise money for wildlife management, the Panhandle Region has scheduled a meeting for the public to visit with an area commissioner as input is gathered. Commissioner Brad Corkill…
FISHERIES – Angling groups asked Washington lawmakers to enact restrictions on suction dredge mining in state waters during a legislative hearing in Olympia last week. Prospectors using suction dredges vacuum the bed of a stream, river, lake or shoreline and process the material through a…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Even though it's far out in the Pacific, even far out there from the main Hawaiian Islands, it's still cool to know that the first Laysan albatross chick of the season has hatched on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. As seen on...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The 18th annual Great Backyard Bird Count will be conducted across the continent Feb. 12-15. Getting involved is almost as easy as looking out your window. GBBC participants count birds anywhere for as little or as long as they wish during the…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.