Spokane River under Sullivan Bridge closed to passage
RIVERS -- For the safety of river users, the Spokane River beneath the Sullivan Road Bridges was closed to river traffic today and will remain closed until further notice, the City of Spokane Valley says.
Increased water flow has caused the river to rise, reducing the clearance between the river and the underside of the temporary work bridge erected as part of the southbound Sullivan Road Bridge replacement project.
Warning signs will be placed at launch and takeout locations upstream of the Sullivan bridges and on buoys at each side of the river upstream of the work area, city officials say.
A buoy line across the river just upstream of the bridges will also alert river users to the closure and guide them to the mandatory takeout point on the north bank.
River users who wish to continue downstream can portage their rafts/kayaks/canoes across Sullivan Road at the Central Pre-Mix crosswalk signal and through Sullivan Park to relaunch downstream from the bridges.
The area will remain closed to river use until further notice. When the river is reopened, notification will be provided via a media release, emailed to those on the project email interest list, and posted to the City of Spokane Valley's website under the "News" tab.