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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog

Everyone wins at Women’s Souper Bowl, except maybe Bigfoot

WINTERSPORTS -- Long before the kickoff of the football game people have been talking about, the Women’s Souper Bowl X at Mount Spokane was a whopping success today.

The sky was blue, nordic skiing and snowshoeing trails groomed and the mountain was sparkling in windless sunshine to greet more than 300 particpants who signed up for the 11th annual event  that encourages women to take an enjoyable step into winter. 

The games, treks, camaraderie, lunch and prizes are nice perks, too.   They even had close selfie encounters with an REI employee dressed as Bigfoot.

The fundraiser raised roughly $11,000 to supports the Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant.

Rich Landers
Rich Landers joined The Spokesman-Review in 1977. He is the Outdoors editor for the Sports Department writing and photographing stories about hiking, hunting, fishing, boating, conservation, nature and wildlife and related topics.

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