WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Deer, elk and moose males have been shedding their antlers in preparation for growing new and often larger sets, which play a role in fall breeding seasons. They're not all on the same schedule. Some bucks and bulls started shaking off their...
PUBLIC LANDS -- Armed anti-government protesting is expensive, dangerous business -- and taxpayers pick up the tab. Work begins on tallying cost of Oregon wildlife refuge occupation On Tuesday, the FBI, which is investigating the 41-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon,...
FISHING -- Northern pike appear to be gaining a foothold in the upper reaches of Lake Roosevelt according to preliminary results from a six-day gillnetting survey that concluded Tuesday, Feb. 23. Gillnets have been deployed to sample and control non-native northern pike from the Pend...
FISHING -- The 10th annual Washington Fly Fishing Fair, featuring a variety of tying, casting and learning events, is set for April 29-30 in Ellensburg, sponsored by the Federation of Fly Fishers. Free seminars include Fishing the Upper Columbia, Steelhead Fishing in Washington and...
FLY FISHING -- Livingston, Montana, and the shores of the Yellowstone River will be the scene for the International Federation of Fly Fishers 51st annual International Fly Fishing Fair. Fly fishers from across the United States and the around the world will be meeting to…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.