FISHING -- A tip of the frozen cap goes to the ice fisherman who left a note Saturday to alert rescuers that he was OK after breaking through the ice on Lower Twin Lakes. At about 2 p.m, the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Dive Rescue Team…
WINTERSPORTS -- Simple pleasures can be groomed by simple muscle-powered grit and determination, as winter cyclists are discovering during this cold snap on a powder-snow trail groomed by Dave Dutro of Idaho Panhandle Fat Bikers. I went out to Saltese Uplands Conservation area on Wednesday...
OUTDOORS -- The most-viewed post on my Outdoors Blog in 2015 – indeed, the top originally written post by any of the newspaper bloggers -- was an April Fools Day post entitled “Huckleberry picking to be banned in Idaho Panhandle Forests.” For those of you...
WINTERSPORTS -- A free program on animal tracks in the snow will be presented by biologist Jenny Taylor at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5, at Avondale Golf Club, 10745 N. Avondale Loop Rd. in Hayden Lake, sponsored by Panhandle Ski and Snowshoe Club. Info: (208)…
FISHING -- Idaho's ice fishing rules are similar to regulations covering to the rest of the year. For example, as of Jan. 1, a 2016 fishing license is required for anglers age 14 and older. And as always, it must be on your person when...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.