FISHING -- If you dream of catching a big steelhead, don't turn a cold shoulder to winter fishing in Idaho's Clearwater River. Here's today's report from Toby Wyatt of Clarkston-based Reel Time Fishing: Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater this month has been consistently producing between…
WILDLIFE -- In a lawsuit filed by animal protection groups, a federal judge has ruled that Idaho’s regulations for trapping furbearers in North Idaho violate the Endangered Species Act by allowing the inadvertent capture of federally protected Canada lynx. Here are details from the Associated…
PUBLIC LANDS -- My most recent Outdoors Blog post on the Malheur militants is being twisted by Internet spinmeisters as suggesting that I'm anti-ranching and anti-farming. That's B.S. -- a term that's clear from the town to the country. I'm best friends with many ranchers...
WILDLIFE -- Photos of a mountain lion with teeth growing from the top of its skull made the Internet buzz last week. The deformed cougar was legally killed by a hunter after the cat attacked a domestic dog. It would have been a non-story except…
PUBLIC ACCESS -- While the militant takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is focusing public attention on the campaign to seize control of federal lands, another major threat to public access continues unchecked. Two Texas billionaire brothers who have already secured 341,000 acres in…
WILDERNESS -- Here's the latest in the ongoing story over the effort to mine ore from underneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. Montana unsure silver, copper mine under wilderness will get full approval Spokane-based Montana Mines, Inc. has been working for a decade to get the...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.