OUTDOOR SCENERY -- Every car-load of travelers that's enjoyed the perfect scenic lines of poplars bordering Interstate 84 near Boardman surely must have expected some of the trees to be cut down at one time or another. It's a tree farm, after all. The trees...
PUBLIC LANDS -- Armed militants occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon are trying to make a deal with authorities, seeking immunity for leaving peacefully. Here's the latest from the Associated Press. BURNS, Ore. – One of the last holdouts in the armed takeover...
PARKS -- Do we want to trade trees for tee-boxes and bear sign for neon signs and wildlife watching for wild life? Former Parks Canada managers bemoan 'Disneyfication' of national parks Parks Canada's approval of the Glacier Skywalk built along the Icefields Parkway that runs…
HUNTING/FISHING -- Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, appears to be trying too hard to be of some significance at the Idaho Legislature. In particular, her attempts to tweak what Fish and Game officers can do at game and fish check stations are unneeded and unnecessarily meddlesome...
PUBLIC LANDS -- “Please stand down," Ammon Bundy told holdout Malheur Refuge militants as he appeared in court Wednesday. "Go home and hug your families. This fight is now in the courts.” Amen. As anti government groups try to make a martyr hero out of...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- A reader called in November and asked if the wild turkey mating season had started. Another reader called last week and said she had a wild turkey all fanned out in her yard. Do turkeys mate year round? they asked. No. But…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.