FISHING -- Pelican populations that are taking a heavy toll on some fisheries will be targeted for reduction in Idaho, state Fish and Game Department officials said today. The agency released a 10-year draft plan aimed at reducing the American white pelican population in the…
FISHING -- The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission this morning voted to eventually increase the limit of hatchery-marked rainbow trout from five a day to 10 a day at Lake Roosevelt. Wild redband trout with intact adipose fins would have to be released, with an...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The main attraction is already arriving for the Othello Sandhill Crane Festival, which is set for March 18-20 with a series of programs, field trips and banquets based out of Othello, Washington. Birder Becky Lyle of Ritzville visted the Scooteney Reservoir area…
OUTDOOR OPTIONS -- March is a challenging month for recreational decisions. Go high for snow or go to the Eastern Washington scablands for wildflowers. You can't go wrong. Just go.
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.