PADDLING -- A Boise kayaker got a hoist from trouble on Idaho's Potlatch River on Saturday by a free helicopter rescue service out of Montana, but the man isn't so free now. He was wanted by the law. The Latah County Sheriff’s deputies checked out...
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- Washington’s wolf population continued to grow last year and added at least four new packs, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s annual survey. By the end of 2015, the state was home to at least 90 wolves, 18 packs...
CYCLING -- “Finding the Joy in Misery,” a free program by The Spokesman-Review outdoors columnist Ammi Midstokke, is set for 6:30 p.m., Monday, at Mountain Gear Corporate Headquarters, 6021 E. Mansfield, sponsored by Spokane Bicycle Club.
HUNTING – Proposed hunting rules, including a change in laws that allow baiting for hunting deer and elk, will be considered by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission this week. The panel will take public comments on hunting rule proposals and other issues during its…
PUBLIC LANDS -- Natural beauty sells. Although I'd warn against the temptation to sell it out this year at our country's 409 national parks. Glacier Park officials in Montana brace for a record-breaking year The National Park Service's centennial this year is expected to boost…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.