TRAILS -- Advocates of the trails and habitat along the South Hill Bluff invite the public to hear updates TONIGHT on projects along with an historical perspective of slope above Hangman Creek by Spokane naturalist and author Jack Nisbet. The free annual meeting event starts...
HUNT-FISH – The Backcountry Hunters & Anglers are convening at the Holiday Inn in downtown Missoula Friday through Sunday, April 1-3, for the group’s 5th annual Rendezvous focused on sporting skill and conservation. The held the event in Spokane last year to forge its mission...
FISHING -- Local anglers are bringing an acclaimed collection of fly fishing films to Spokane as a benefit for river access and research projects to boost native redband trout. The third annual Spokane River Benefit and International Fly Fishing Film Festival is set for 7…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.