PUBLIC LANDS -- A 15-year-old rule that prevents road-building into otherwise unprotected inventoried roadless areas of national forests has essentially been upheld by the nation's high court. The lack of a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court means Alaska must follow the U.S. Forest Service…
WILDLIFE – White-nose syndrome has been confirmed in a little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) found near North Bend. It's the first recorded occurrence of this devastating bat disease in western North America. Following are details from a media release by the agencies involved -- the…
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- Idaho’s Nez Perce Tribe as been awarded a $200,000 federal grant to pursue reintroducing the California condor in Hells Canyon. Based on California's example, the use of lead ammunition for hunting is a potential issue in a swath of Idaho, Oregon and...
FISHING -- The Washington fishing license anglers have had in their wallets the past year will expire after today. Starting Friday, April 1, people must have their 2016-2017 license with them while fishing. In Idaho, the new licenses were required starting Jan. 1. Also expiring…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.