OUTRAILED – A second round of public planning meetings for the John Wayne Pioneer Trail through Eastern Washington are set for this week, Washington State Parks and Recreation officials say. The meetings will begin at 6 p.m.: Tuesday May 10 at Preston Community Center in...
BIRDS -- Just in time for Mothers Day, three chicks hatched in a peregrine falcon nest on the 14th floor of a downtown Boise building where a web camera supplies streaming video for the public to watch the family grow. The Peregrine Fund spokeswoman Erin…
WILDLIFE -- The American bison officially became the USA's national mammal today when President Barack Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law. Following at least four years of effort by Western lawmakers, the beefy beast joins the ranks of the Bald Eagle as...
PUBLIC LANDS – A Missouri couple that quit their jobs to visit all 59 major national parks in one year is in Washington this week during their sweeping journey of the country. In this state, they are planning to visit their 40th, 41st and 42nd…
MARINE LIFE -- Researchers in Oregon and Northern California are finding that droves of baby sea stars are returning to the shores after whole populations of starfish along the West Coast were decimated by a wasting disease over the last two years. The Eureka Times…
PUBLIC LANDS -- Anti-noise activists are rising in a chorus to oppose helicopter tours in Glacier National Park. Mary T. McClelland last week released an open letter to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell on behalf of Friends for a Quiet! Glacier Coalition, which calls...
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The secret to wildlife watching is getting to a good spot and hanging out. Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge south of Cheney is a good place to start, as wildlife enthusiast Carlene Hardt has discovered in recent years. Here's a note to go...
BICYCLING -- In case you're planning ahead, the Route of the Hiawatha rail trail for bicycles is scheduled to open for the summer season near Lookout Pass on May 28.
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.