FISHERIES -- A two-hour program on steelhead science will be presented in Spokane by Trout Unlimited on Wednesday, May 11, at Spark Center, 1214 W. Summit Parkway. RSVP online In the wake of wild-steelhead-associated lawsuits and controversies that are resulting in curbs on hatchery production…
Fly Fishing Expo in Coeur d’Alene OUTCAST – Free workshops, casting lessons, fly tying and activities for all ages will be featured at the 2016 Coeur d’Alene Fly Fishing Expo Friday and Saturday, May 13-14, at the Best Western Coeur d’Alene. Montana author, guide and...
PARKS – A new early season shuttle bus service for bicycle riders on the Going-to-the-Sun Road through Glacier National Park debuted on Saturday. The free service operates seven days a week through June 26 or when the GTSR opens to vehicles, whichever comes first. Monitor...
GEAR – Planning is underway for a June 11 Gear Swap featuring hunting, fishing, camping and sporting gear sponsored by the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council at its facilities at 6116 N. Market St. The council is making reservations for private vendors who’d like to sell…
PREDATORS -- Montana officials want to triple the number of gray wolves hunters and trappers can kill in an area bordering Yellowstone National Park. The proposal would increase the annual quota in a hunting district near Gardiner, from two wolves to six. That’s almost one-third…
RIVERS – The overall snowpack in the West dropped at record speed in April, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service reports. Runoff was above normal because of the rapid snowmelt, but Washington’s rivers and streams were able to contain it without flooding....
WATERSPORTS -- Heads up waterlogged deal-seekers: Northwest River Supply is planning a parking lot sale to clear out gear for paddling and rafting from warehouses this week in Moscow, Idaho. WHEN: May 12-14 (9-6pm Thursday & Friday | 9-3pm Saturday) WHERE: NRS - 2009 S.…
OUTRIDE – The 22nd annual Back Country Horsemen Poker Ride to raise money for trail maintenance projects is set for Saturday, May 14, along Fishtrap Lake. The event attracts about 200 riders to support building trail bridges at Mount Spokane and Liberty Lake County Park,...
ENDANGERED SPECIES -- A breeding female wolf has died five days after being trapped and fitted with a GPS collar so wildlife managers could follow the livestock-attacking Tucannon Pack. The death in southeastern Washington is likely related to the capture and release, and the female…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.