FISHING -- Idaho's spring chinook fishing season on a portion of the Clearwater River will close at the end of fishing hours on Friday, the state Fish and Game Department has just announced. With anglers near their allotted number of fish for that area, the...
OUTDOOR DOGS -- I've had moments of feeling sorry for myself when my bird dog lost a couple of booties while hunting in cold snowy weather. But I'm humbled in the perspective of Alaska mushers with 16-dog teams running the 1,400-mile Iditarod trail. Here's the…
WILDLIFE -- A fondness for wood ducks and other creatures has earned a sportsman and member of the Richland Rod & Gun the high distinction as Volunteer of the Year named by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Other award winners named on Tuesday...
HUNTING -- Idaho's drawings for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat controlled hunts are complete and results are available online. Enter the site and enter your hunting license number. Results are also available at Fish and Game offices. It is the responsibility of hunters to...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.