Catch-and-release fishing tips offered by Montana
FISHING -- Most western states have a take on rules and ethics involved in catching and releasing fish, especially trout.
Idaho and Washington have rules, but they differ.
With Montana's general stream fishing season opening Saturday, the state Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department has released a summary of its recommendations to reduce stress on fish and increase their rate of survival after release.
The species of fish, water temperature and angler behavior affect the success of catch-and release fishing, biologists say. Trout species are most susceptible to dying after being hooked, reeled in, perhaps photographed and released.
Warm water stresses fish more than cold water.
How an angler fishes, choice of gear and how the angler handles the fish affect survival of released fish.
Some fly fishers are using inexpensive releasers that can be slid down the leader to easily flip a single-barbless hook out of a fish's mount without need to touch the fish or remove it from the water.
Here's Montana's take on what anglers can do to maximize fish survival:
- Land the fish quickly and do not play it to exhaustion.
- Wet your hands before handling the fish.
- Keep the fish in the water as much as possible where it gills can absorb oxygen.
- Minimize the time out of water for photos.
- Remove the hook gently. Use of artificial lures, single and barbless hooks can make hook removal faster and easier.
- Let the fish recover before release. If the fish is hooked deeply or bleeding, you may have to snip the line at the fish’s mouth, or consider keeping it if regulations allow.
Consider limiting your catch. Even with catch-and-release, fish are stressed and some will die.
More information on catch and release can be found at; or