Spokane River fishing reopening soon, but not all at once

FISHING -- With the rainbow trout spawning season winding down, two key stretches of the Spokane River reopen to fishing in June. But be careful... the stretches open on different dates just days apart.
Here are the fishing seasons for the city-area stretches of the Spokane River:
- Upper (Stateline downstream to Upriver Dam) -- First Saturday of June opener.
- Middle (Upriver Dam downstream to Monroe Street Dam) -- Open year-round.
- Lower (Monroe Street Dam downstream to Plese Flats day use area) -- June 1 Opener.
Silver Bow Fly Shop is gearing up for the season. Here's the latest report from shop owner/guide Sean Visintainer:
Levels are looking good for opening week. With the early snowpack melt in the Idaho Panhandle, the Spokane will be in good shape for the opener.
Traditionally the beginning of June is good caddis fishing (dries / emergers / soft hackles). Fishing big dries like chubbies and other Chernobyls can be pretty good too and double nymph rigs like pat's / caddis nymphs are always a slam dunk.
We will be on the river first thing (when it opens) so we will have a good report for you after that.