WILDLIFE -- An Idaho Fish and Game Department conservation officer says good timing and bad mobile phone coverage contributed to a rare, casual opportunity to capture video of an unalarmed mountain lion. Officer Rob Howe was on the phone recently getting directions from fellow officer…
HIKING – After nearly a week, the search for missing Pacific Crest Trail hiker Kris Fowler in the Ellensburg region has been suspended, Kittitas County authorities announced this morning. “We have completed a physical search of the accessible sections of the Pacific Crest Trail that...
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- Three land purchases, including 705 acres in Kittitas County, were authorized by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission during its Friday meeting in Olympia. The section of land south of Cle Elum is being sought to protect habitat for a variety of...
FISHERIES -- The Reardan High School FFA Ag Issues team shined in the spotlight of a national stage last month with its debate on the pros and cons of pursuing salmon passage over the Columbia River's Grand Coulee Dam After winning area contests and the…
HABITAT -- Significant rainfall in the past 10 days followed by sunshine and above-normal temperatures appears to be the prescription for recovering the forage and habitat lost to the summer wildfire that ravaged the Snake River canyon between Pomeroy and Pullman. The gree-up on the...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.