WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The annual congregation of bald eagles at Lake Coeur d'Alene has begun as the big birds home in on the feast of spawning kokanee in the northeast area of the North Idaho lake. Carrie Hugo, U.S. Bureau of Land Management wildlife biologist,…
OUTDOOR TRAVEL -- With avalanche risk growing over the weekend, the North Cascades Highway portion of State Route 20 west of Mazama, Washington, was closed today for the winter season. The highway over Washington Pass and into North Cascades National Park had been temporarily closed…
ENVIRONMENT -- Patagonia shops and the outdoor clothing company's website will be open for business on Black Friday with a pledge announced today to donate all sales to environmental causes. This is an interesting twist on various marketing efforts to court consumer buzz on what's...
HUNTING -- A resident elk hunter was mauled Sunday morning by a female grizzly after surprising the sow and her two cubs on the Rocky Mountain Front of northwestern Montana. The man was with a group hunting private land on the south fork of Willow…
PARKS – Skywatchers are planning ahead to see the total solar eclipse next summer. Oregon reports that ALL of the state park system's available campsites in the main eclipse pathway have been booked for the night of the celestial event. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department...
FISHERIES -- Sam Mace from Save Our Wild Salmon will speak on discussions about removing four dams on the lower Snake River and the implications for salmon, communities, orcas and tribes during an open "bring-your-lunch" program at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at The Community…
PUBLIC LANDS -- If you're inclined to back well-paid federal land takeover activists such as Ken Ivory be prepared for eventual changes in the landscape of public lands. Is this a sign of the times?
FISHING -- After two days of fishing, a 17-pound rainbow and a 19-pound mackinaw lead the board in the 2016 Lake Pend Oreille Fall Fishing Derby. But there's a lot of fishing still to be done. The annual event sponsored by the Lake Pend Oreille…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.