Big day tomorrow for killer’s boyfriend
Will the charges against the boyfriend of the woman convicted of killing her husband stand?
We'll find out tomorrow in Spokane County Superior Court.
Lawyers in the Brian L. Moore case are set to argue a motion to dismiss first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges against Moore.
Moore is accused of helping Shellye L. Stark plan her husband's murder, then concocting a sordid tale of spousal abuse to try to dupe authorities into thinking the slaying was self defense.
Moore's public defender, Jeff Compton, is asking that charges against Moore, who's accused of helping Stark with the plan to kill her husband, be dismissed because of lack of evidence. Moore was arrested in California in April. (Read about it here.)
Private investigator Ted Pulver is considered a key witness against Moore, but a judge has denied prosecutor access to material regarding Pulver and Moore that had been part of Stark's case.
Deputy Prosecutor Larry Haskell has said he believes he still has a case. Judge Sam Cozza will preside over the motion hearing, which is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.