Wedding crasher now has jail date
She showed up at weddings uninvited, mingled with guests and never left empty-handed.
But a Spokane woman’s wedding-crashing scheme unraveled last summer when an old high school classmate – and off-duty police officer – recognized her at a wedding where she wasn’t an invited guest. When the hosts discovered missing gifts, they realized they’d been looted.
Now Pamula W. McBride, 46, will serve 45 days in jail for stealing gift cards and personal checks from a wedding in Nez Perce County, Idaho, last June.
Police also suspect McBride stole similar items from the gift table at Scott DeGon’s wedding reception at Cataldo Hall on the Gonzaga University campus July 18, nearly one month after she stole from a wedding at the Lewiston Elks Lodge.
Read the rest of my story here