Donations to prosecutor’s charity probed
What do David Miller, John C. Cooney, Dallas Cooney; Christian Phelps, Ronnie Rae, Frank Cikutovich, Paul Mack, Frank Bartoletta, John Clark, Rob Cossey, Tony Hazel, Jared Cordts and Larry Steinmetz have in common, other than law degrees?
All apparently donated to a Guatemalan orphanage supported by Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen.
Two Stevens County judges have asked the state bar association to investigate, saying they are concerned about Rasmussen’s practice of encouraging defense attorneys to contribute to the fund.
They submitted a copy of a February 2009 telephone message from Miller that says: “He had a good month. Does your charity need anything?” Miller said this week that he was “really offended” by the complaint.
Read John Craig's story here.