Happy 2nd birthday, Sirens & Gavels!
Two years ago today, this blog was born.
It started with a post about a devil-worshiping sex offender upset that a commenter said he was not a true member of the Church of Satan.
Since then, this blog has become a hub for crime and court news in the Inland Northwest. I also like to throw in interesting Associated Press stories on Friday mornings or if national events of local interest occur.
I enjoy hunting for fun - and not-so-fun - items to put on here and am proud to say readership keeps growing. Your praise and criticism is needed and appreciated. I am best reached at meghannc@spokesman.com or (509) 459-5534.
Here's to a great future for Sirens. (Let's hope the 'terrible twos' thing is just a phase humans go through.) Be sure to 'like' the blog on Facebook to show you're a true fan.
By the way, I recently received an email from a woman who identifies herself as the devil-worshiping sex offender's ex-wife. Let's just say she agrees with law enforcement's decision to classify him as a sex offender likely to reoffend.