The campaign comes to WWE Clinton, Obama go on attack in last-minute scramble for Pennsylvania votesMichael Moore announces his endorsement of Obama in Web postNorth Carolina Democrats ditch effort to host debate———ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAILBarack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are in Pennsylvania. John McCain…
Kim Thorburn, who is challenging County Commissioner Todd Mielke this fall, called a press conference at 1:30 p.m. Monday on the Spokane Raceway Park issue.Just a guess, but she's probably not going to be giving it the thumbs up.Press conference is at the entrance to…
The report of the state Public Disclosure Commission's fine of $4,200 against City Councilman Bob Apple for failing to file campaign reports last year has generated some criticism -- of the PDC, and the newspaper.The PDC has let others off much easier, said two longtime…
State Democrats and state Republicans are both busy at their keyboards Friday, honing their knives for the upcoming state campaigns.Democrats continued their panning of GOP gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi's state transportation plan, which was announced earlier this week. They don't really have anything new to…
Brought to you with an assist from Olympia Bureau Chief Rich RoeslerSpokane City Councilman Bob Apple was fined $4,200 – the maximum under the state’s disclosure law – for failing to file spending records from last year’s re-election campaign.The state Public Disclosure Commission Thursday ruled…
ABC's presidential debate on Wednesday night is getting panned by various journalism sources, such as Editor & Publisher and Columbia Journalism Review, some liberal blogs and The Washington Post. It's also drawing boos from MoveOn.Org, the liberal political activist organization, which has already put together…
Candidates running for partisan office this year will have one of two descriptions on the primary ballot after their names, Secretary of State Sam Reed said.John Q. Candidate (prefers _____ Party)orJohn Q. Candidate (States No Party Preference)This in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court…
Keith Russell Judd, a Texas prison inmate, will share Idaho’s presidential primary ballot with regulars Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Boise Bureau Chief Betsy Russell reported Wednesday.Judd apparently met the minimum requirements, filling out the form and sending in a cashable check for the $1,000…
Ever since Richard Nixon was forced out of office, any major scandal has been given a -gate suffix.Watergate. Contragate. Fostergate. Nannygate.Now we have Bittergate, the scandal of Barack Obama's comments about some voters being so bitter about government that they cling to their religious values…
Obama questions Clinton’s opposition to free trade agreementsMcCain says he supports bill to protect identity of confidential news sourcesClinton says she would correct husband’s NAFTA mistakesMcCain seen as independent despite conservative voting recordToday's fun video ———THE NUMBERSBarack Obama has a 10-point lead nationally over Hillary…
The Spokane County Republican Party formally rejected the Iraq policy of their current president and their party's likely nominee, saying American troops shouldn't be on overseas missions for more than six months without a formal declaration of war.At a county convention Saturday that some party…
Scandalous news from Washington's gubernatorial campaign Thursday. You know that biodiesel bus that Gov. Chris Gregoire is driving around the state for her campaign kickoff, including for her stop Wednesday in Spokane? Well it's got -- wait for it, wait for it Oregon license plates.OMG…
Spokane County Republicans gather for their biennial convention Saturday with the presidential nomination already settled.That doesn't mean they've got nothing to do at the Lewis and Clark High School Field House. There's a platform to adopt, delegates to the state convention to elect. Speeches to…
It's not just a case of the Obama Girl slugging it out with The Clintons for campaign music videos. John McCain has the McCain Girls.They probably shouldn't quit their day jobs to live off singing gigs. But their video isn't bad.Click to see McCain's response.
Gov. Chris Gregoire's campaign bus trip through the state made a stop in Spokane Wednesday morning, where she added a few local items to the standard "four more years" stump speech.Under criticism from Dino Rossi and the state Republicans for increased spending and higher taxes,…
Here are video clips from the Foreign Relations Committee hearing.Feinstein questions Crocker about "The Kiss"For more Foreign Relations Committee videos, including questioning by Sen. Barack Obama click here.For the morning's Armed Services Committee hearing, including video clips of questions by Sens. John McCain and Hillary…
Here's the latest clip from the Armed Service Committee hearing, courtesy of YouTube.Petraeus and Crocker say it's worth it.Or you can watch it live by clicking here for the link to the C-Span coverage.Click here for more clips of the Armed Services Committee Hearing. Afternoon…
Unhappy with a court ruling that requires a change in Washington’s primary, state Democrats said Monday they will hold conventions to nominate their candidates for partisan offices this year.The move, which is part of a long-running battle between the parties and state elections officials over…
In the Not So Surprising News category: Gov. Chris Gregoire is officially starting her re-election campaign today. She's taking a bus around the state, and started this morning in her old hometown of Auburn. She'll hit Tacoma and Vancouver later in the day, Yakima and…
Hillary Clinton is way behind Barack Obama in terms of raising money. But she may be catching up in one other important metric for the 21st CenturyMusical videos that other people stick on the Internet.Until recently, Obamagirl made the Illinois senator the clear frontrunner in…
Turning the Spokane Valley into its own city apparently has brought one of the typical problems of urbanization. Panhandling.So concerned are city leaders about people plying they highways and byways for spare change that they've decided to put together an ad hoc committee on panhandling.The…
The new Hillary Clinton campaign commercial has a familiar ring to it. The phone at 3 a.m. The commercial debuted Wednesday, about the same time that a pro-Obama group in Hollywood released the following video parody of the first 3 a.m. commercial. Click to see…
Hillary Clinton tried an April Fool's Day joke in the campaign on Tuesday. Dan Abrams of MSNBC showed that he doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and that he doesn't know much about bowling, where strikes are a good thing, and the one…
The King County Police Guild dropped a line to Dino Rossi recently, telling the GOP governor's candidate he's got their support in his grudge rematch with Gov. Chris Gregoire.The letter did not come with a check, although no one should be surprised if the guild's…