Michelle Obama: He’s ready
The question isn't if Barack Obama is ready, Michelle Obama said.
"The question is if we're ready," she said.
Change happens from the bottom up, she said.
"It is not just about getting someone new sitting in the Oval Office," she said. "We've had that."
Michelle Obama said supporters must stay active even after Saturday's caucus.
"Barack is going to need you every step of the way," she said.
Today's kids are looking for signs of hope.
"It took a whole lot of dreaming for me to be standing here," she said.
The world is watching this election, Obama said.
"They want to believe that we are that great nation of freedom and possibility."
Obama ended her speech with a little back-and-forth with the audience:
Michelle Obama: "Can we do this?"
Audience: "Yes we can."
"We are going to change the world," she said. "Thank you."