I-1058: Could you pass a test on the constitution?
Monte Benham of Kennewick is convinced that people know very little about the U.S. Constitution and next to nothing about the state Constitution.
“Elected officials swear an oath to uphold the state Constitution, and most of them have never even seen it, let alone read it,”he said.
Benham, who previously worked with Tim Eyman on several tax initiatives, would like to fix that knowledge gap with the current generation of school children, requiring them to learn about the two constitutions and the Declaration of Independence in fifth, eighth and tenth grades and pass a test before graduating high school.
To do that, he and supporters of
Initiative 1058 will need about 250,000
like-minded citizens to sign petitions, and for voters to approve the
initiative to the people in November. Copies of the initiative were inserted in The Spokesman-Review earlier
this week as a way to generate more signed petitions, which must be
turned in by the beginning of July.
The initiative calls for schools to teach the relationships among those
documents and other things like the Pledge of Allegiance and the
Gettysburg Address. They would also be required to know some of the
important words in the documents, like despotism, providence,
tranquility and consanguinity. (The last one means blood relationship,
in case it comes up on some future test.)
It also requires they learn about initiatives: “Students shall be taught
the inherent right of the people to elect government officials and
enact or reject, at the polls, legislation independent of the
Legislature, and to approve or reject, at the polls, any law passed by
the Legislature.”
The initiative calls for standardized tests, although Benham said this
week he didn’t know of an adequate test that exists right now. The
schools would have to come up with one, he said.
Want to test your knowledge of the Declaration of Independence, U.S. and State constitutions?