U.S. Senate race update, Eyman event: Wassup May 24
Washington's U.S. Senate race continues to get noticed by the national news media. The Washington Times today carried a story about the race, focusing on Republican candidate Clint Didier, focusing on the fact that he's a former Washington Redskin, perhaps for those who follow football more than they follow politics.
It mentions the Sarah Palin endorsement, the fact that Didier and other candidates are waiting for potential candidate Dino Rossi to announce whether he's getting into the race and some poll info. The WashTimes article is being circulated by what on the surface may seem an unusual source, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. But hardly anything written about the race fails to get spread around by e-mail from the DSCC these days.
In other news, Tim Eyman is holding a kickoff for a new initiative this afternoon. He doesn't say which one, which is too bad because Eyman has filed so many initiatives this year that it's hard to guess which one he's going to be boosting at the event, which is at Mukilteo City Hall.